Fundraise through Travel

We've donated more than $1.13 million to our partners in our 20+ years. Thank you!

Let's Get Started

Create a new revenue stream for your organization -
No cost to you or your patrons

Our model is virtually effortless and won't sabotage other donation commitments.

Your patrons are traveling – you know this. For each vacation purchased through TravelPerks by one of your patrons, we make a donation to your organization. We grow our business. This is a Win-Win-Win. There are no fees, no cost to you or your patrons. 

This is NOT another group travel opportunity! You’ll receive commission off of your patrons’ individual vacations - whenever and wherever they go. (But, we do offer group travel services if that’s of interest to you!)

Step 1

Patrons Book Vacations

Any cruise, any resort, any tour - you name it! They save money, and you benefit!

Plus, your patrons receive the service of TravelPerks' expert team of Travel Agents - at no cost to you or them.

Step 2

Patrons Have an Amazing Vacation

Your patrons enjoy an exceptional vacation to anywhere in the world they'd like to travel, at any time! This is not an organized group travel opportunity. 

Step 3

Receive Your Donation

Your organization receives commission earned through your patrons’ vacations.

The more vacations your patrons book through TravelPerks, the more you’ll make! You’ll receive 15% of net commissions from your patrons’ travel. Plus: you’ll receive commission on any and all future trips this patron books through us.

Questions or ready to get started today?

Reach out to TravelPerks Founder & CEO, Gary Smith.

Call Gary Email Gary

About TravelPerks

TravelPerks is an award-winning, full-service travel agency that specializes in providing both savings and service. For over 20 years we have worked exclusively through member organizations and have an A-List clientele. Your patrons get great service and save on their cruise, resort, tour, river cruise, etc.